First off, I've been having a rough week, and the one thing that really cheers me up is this picture....
I can't wait to kiss those kissable lips!!
I went to the doctor yesterday for my 38 1/2 week appointment. Everything is still on track for September 28th, but as many of you know, that doesn't mean squat! It could happen any day! The doctor is fairly certain that she is going to wait at least until Tuesday - the day Josh comes home. I've been praying she'd wait, because I'd be a WRECK waiting on him to fly home! I've already started dilating and effacing so we shall see....Only God and Elouise know when her "real" birthday is going to be!
As many of you know, we have been asking for prayers so that we will sell our house. We have had a couple that had a house in our price range for sale in Louisiana. They were going to make an offer on our house as soon as theirs sold. They had been to our house six times and even brought over a baby gift! Well, once they sold their house and made an offer on ours, it wasn't even close to what we could accept. Heartbroken, Josh and I started preparing to tell the people in Edmond that are doing our custom build that we would have to forfeit our earnest money and not proceed with our house. Josh talked to the finance guy here and while we could make it work with two mortgages, we both didn't feel as if it were the Christian thing to do. We both know that God wants our full faith and trust in him, no matter the sacrifices that we have to make. (So now we're praying that once our house sells...our custom will still be for sale!) It has been an emotional decision to make, but we both feel like it was the right one to make. We know that once our house sells (Josh is going to Idabel Wednesday morning to meet with our realtor), God will have something great for us here in Edmond. We just have to continue to prove our obedience and faith in Him. Such an easy thing to say, but a hard thing to put into action sometimes! We do ask for continued prayers in this situation though. With Josh potentially being gone for four weeks at a time and me with a newborn, I WANT MY MOMMY! This has been a long time coming, but we know that it will be much easier on our family to be in Edmond. I'll actually be able to drop Josh off at the airport! (Driving to Dallas 2.5 hours one way to drop him off at DFW with a newborn is just too much...).
Sorry that was long and winded, but it has been a HUGE struggle and part of our life the past few weeks. We are so sad about the house here, but we are so sure that God has something greater in mind for us ... when HIS time comes.
OH YEAH! DRUMROLL PLEASE..................my mom decided on a "grandma" name for herself. For those of you that know my mom, she is NOT the "grandma" type. She just celebrated her 50th birthday yesterday in which she happily called herself "VINTAGE". Oh I love my mom. We knew she didn't look like a "grandma or nana or granny"....she uses Arbonne for goodness sake! But she came up with the name ........ KAKI! (Sounds like Kathy only different :) )
Have a blessed day, and I'm sure the next time I post (since I'm not too great at keeping up) I will have pictures of ELOUISE KATHRYN!
Love -