So as many of you know, we are struggling to sell our house. Since we listed with a realtor in October, they have shown it ZERO times. It is very disheartening. Through this process, I have flip flopped on being angry and then realizing I need to trust God and not be angry that I haven't gotten what I wanted yet.
The house we built in Edmond has sold. That temptation has now been lifted from our path. It was a pricey temptation, but none the less, it has been removed from our path. We know this happened for a reason. It was heartbreaking to lose that "hope" that we held on to, but we know we built that house out of haste without much prayer and petition. We did it more for us and didn't rely fully on God to tell us what to do. We knew in our hearts it was like the foolish man building his house on the sand. But I guess we thought that God would make it work. Much like in the song, "God will make a way where there seems to be no way..." Unfortunately we didn't realize that the way that God will make for us wasn't with a hasty decision. We continue to lean on God during this process. With that house out of our sights, I have noticed I have been able to focus more on Elouise. I'm not stressed with the thought of moving...I know it will happen one GOD'S timing. As Ghee would have said, "Perfectly perfect" timing.
So I started a fast to focus and redirect my thoughts from things on Earth to things above. Since I can not physically fast - I did a "Facebook" fast. I found myself getting on Facebook for meaningless reasons just to kill time. So a facebook fast was a great thing for me. Today's reading really struck a chord with me. It is Psalms 27.
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Saturday, January 15, 2011
It's about time!!!

It's about time! I haven't blogged in almost a month!!! Oops!
Alright - here we go!
Elouise is now almost 4 months old. Goodness it has flown by!! She changes every single day. She is now focusing a lot more and smiling ALL the time!! She is a very very good baby. She lets anyone hold her and will smile or just look around. If she gets fussy, it's for GOOD reason, i.e., food, sleep...the normal stuff. She can hold her head up no problem now and is sleeping through the night.
We recently had our first "sick baby" experience. We noticed something was right with her. She was extremely whiny which is not like her at all. She whimpered all the time. Finally we noticed that her cheeks and nose were all red. We took her temp and it was over 100. I immediately called the doctor. She said she figured it was just a "bug" and called in a prescription. We didn't sleep at all that night. We checked on her every 2 hours. We were extremely worried. The next day she was slowly getting back to normal. She wasn't completely well, but her smiles were increasing. Her temp broke at 4 am. She finally, after two days, was back to normal.
Josh and I recently started the Arbonne Detox Diet. I can't do all of it because I still feed Elouise, but in one week I have dropped 5 lbs and can get on my size 4!!!!!! All by helping Josh do the detox! I can't wait to see what it's like after 28 days. Josh is doing it "full blast" so I can't wait to see what HIS results will be like. I just KNOW it will be fantastic!!
Our house is still on the market after lowering the price AGAIN. Nothing is really moving down here at all. We just keep praying and hoping that eventually someone will come along. As everyone says, it just takes one. Just one buyer...
We need prayers with this situation. It is extremely discouraging. We pray that God will provide the buyer for our house and also continue to be with us and keep from getting discouraged. It's all a test of faith for sure!
Love -
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