All right, so before I get rolling on what's been going on in our lives, I just need to say that I NEED A HOBBY! We are just now getting "in a routine" and I'm figuring out that I spend a lot of time wondering...what can I do now??
Now before you go thinking that being a stay at home mom is a cake walk - let's get one thing straight! Keeping Miss Elouise Kathryn happy and smiling is a FULL TIME JOB. Ha! She is an extremely happy baby and we have sooo much fun, but goodness....
So every morning we wake up ... have coffee... have breakfast.. watch Kathie Lee and Hoda on the Today Show (don't judge me...guilty pleasure) and then E usually falls asleep for an hour. WORKOUT TIME!!! I have been soo proud of myself. NO MORE BABY WEIGHT!!!!!!!
Then what?!? I need a hobby.......
So I found this blog.....
http://mrspriss.com. I clicked on DIYs and Tutorials and found so much to do.. As soon as I can get to a craft store, YARN WREATHS and FELT ROSETTES for EVERYONE!!!
So, if at Christmas, you get a yarn wreath, ACT SURPRISED!