First things first, time has FLOWN BY! Elouise has been keeping us "uber" busy and I can't believe how much she has grown. Here is my precious little girl!
Elouise is soooo interested in everything. Be it the dogs, going outside, remote controls, iPads, iPhones, anything that starts with an i apparently, and she LOVES Nilla Wafers! Yes, she still loves her necklaces - no matter what time of day or what outfit she has on!
She loves being outside no matter how cold it is either! It is a toasty (ahem, er, STINKING COLD) 29 degrees here in the state of "today it's suntanning weather, so tomorrow it's going to snow". She still insisted on standing by the back door pointing outside. So being the loving mother that I am, I thought to myself, "Well if she wants to go outside THAT bad, I'll take her out in her Cozy Coupe and she'll want to run back in as quickly as she came out." So, let me just cut to the chase, and tell you I was WRONG. She threw a screaming FIT when I brought her back in. I'm talkin' Wal-Mart backbends on my kitchen floor. As I took one look at her, giggled, and walked off....

Oh yeah - SIDENOTE- This little girl that loves everything does NOT have a liking for Santa Claus at Bass Pro Shops. She was all hunky dory until we set her upon his lap. She was not a fan of the "eyes how they twinkled". Not a fan....not a fan. They told me we would take another picture if we wanted to try again in 30 minutes, but once again, being the loving mother that I am, LOVES crying Santa pictures. They make for funny memories. Don't judge me!

Ah yes, but back to the things she does love - our European shower. She loves that she can walk right in. Matter of fact, if you start a shower and she hears that water, you can bet she will RUN, that's right, I said RUN to the bathroom. She then attempts to take off her own diaper. This usually only sags the back making her resemble a trusty plumber. But once we help her out, she's in the shower LOVING EVERY MINUTE. If you don't take her clothes off and YOU proceed to get in the shower, she'll show you! That cute outfit with that freshly changed dry diaper suddenly is soaking wet and her diaper weighs more than a small puppy.
Another thing she LOVES, SHOES!!!!! It doesn't matter if they're three sizes too big, adult shoes, any shoes......she will bring them to you and you MUST put them on her. Remember that Wal-Mart baby I so lovingly described earlier? Yep, she turns into one of those. She loves any sparkly or squeaky shoes especially! I tried to upload a video but it was taking forever!
I'll leave you with a pic of one more thing she loves -