First off, can I just say I should get a prize???? That's right. Drumroll please......Hillary Love is awarded the prize for WORST BLOGGER EVER! Yay! (and the crowd goes wild!!!).
Laugh it off - in all seriousness though - I have done a flawed job at keeping everyone posted. Don't get me wrong, I read blogs daily! I just fail to post on my own. Slap on the wrist and moving on -
Soooo many things have been going on in the world of The Loves.
First, as posted on my previous blog post (eek do I dare say it was JULY 9TH?!?), I am back to my "roots". We have moved to Edmond, and it has been a wonderful move. My husband was a bit apprehensive about the move from his hometown to mine, but let me just say that he is LOVING IT! He is always busy and gets to go to do so many fun things.
One nice thing that has happened is that we FINALLY found a church that we both really really are passionate about. There is something there for both of us and a powerful nursery ministry for Elouise. I have even been going to Mom's Group on Monday mornings! It has been such a blessing. My parents go to church there, too. My dad even plays with the orchestra on Sunday mornings. He plays the guitar - if you're there, listen for him. If you're not...you lose. In our Mom's Group we are doing the study For Women Only....okay if you HAVEN'T done this study...DO IT. It will rock your world . Back to the nursery ministry - Elouise LOVES it. She has a great time on Sunday mornings and then again on Monday mornings. We have even stepped out of our comfort zones and signed up for the Parent/Child Dedication. Josh and I attended a class that discussed the need of raising your child in a Christ centered home. We both feel strongly about this. We will be "dedicating" Elouise in front of the church on October 23rd. We feel so blessed to be part of this wonderful church family.
On to the next topic - JOSH WORKS IN OKC NOW! It was a major decision and one that we did not take lightly, but Josh decided that it was time to part ways with ExxonMobil. He has worked for them for 5 1/2 years and they have been a wonderful company to work for. He has learned so many valuable things from them and they have been great employers. However, that being said, the time away had begun to take it's toll on our family. For the first 4 1/2 years of his employment, he was stationed in Piceance Creek, Colorado working on a natural gas rig there. We griped about the 2 weeks on/2 weeks off schedule (Side note: Military wives, you have my utmost respect and awe. I don't know how you do it, but you all are some strong woman!), and we hated it. However, our reality was put into perspective when he was scheduled to begin rotating to Nigeria. He worked 4 weeks on and 4 weeks off on an oil rig off the coast of Lagos, Nigeria. With Elouise growing up and changing each time we blinked, Josh decided it was time to look for a job closer to home. Since we moved to OKC, his job offerings were a lot larger than what they were living in a smaller town. He applied with several companies and decided on a job with Chesapeake Energy. He now works in Oklahoma City and is the "Corporate Emergency Response Coordinator". He loves what he is doing now and is eager to continue to learn more. We love having him home in the evenings and weekends. While it is an adjustment going from single mom every few weeks to having my husband home all of the time, I wouldn't trade it for anything. I love having my family back together! Seeing Elouise's face light up when he walks in after work, you just can't put a price on those things. (Not to mention that he looks SO handsome in his corporate attire...)
Okay my next post is going to be about the big 1st birthday bash - Gotta break these things up - Nap time is only so long!
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