So I have spent the past 6 or so months looking for the "perfect" crib mobile for Elouise. I was extremely picky (probably too picky, oops). I had to have one where the rotating items faced down towards her face. Who cares if they had pretty hearts, but if she only saw the bottom of those boring! Also, I didn't want a "boy" one or a random sea themed or goofy one. It had to be "perfectly perfect" as Ghee would say. Finally, I found one. Once I got it, I discovered that it didn't fit on a sleigh like crib. LUCKILY, I called the company and they shipped me an adapter free of charge. It came in the mail today! Yippee! As I was reading earlier, Josh yelled at me to come upstairs (that is where Elouise's room is). I grumbled about putting my book down, and I hiked up the stairs. I could hear her, but I figured she was just laying on her changing pad talking. For some reason, while laying on her changing pad, Elouise LOVES to talk. Nope, not this time. She was laying in her crib MESMERIZED by this new mobile. Matter of fact, when I picked her up after nearly 20 minutes of looking at the mobile, she stuck that bottom lip out so far. She about burst into tears. So Josh and I put on our best baby voices to coax her out of crying.........
This mobile is definitely A MUST for us!
Friday, December 17, 2010
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Big Smile!
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Merry Christmas!

I have to sign off for a sec to put a VERY tired elf to sleep! But I have more pics to post very soon! Her stocking...etc.
Love and Merry Christmas
Monday, November 22, 2010
Gearing Up For Thanksgiving! Another First!

We are getting ready for another first in our small little family. Elouise's first Thanksgiving! I've never been one for the big Thanksgiving feast (it kind of grosses me out that people overindulge just because of a "day", but that's just me!), however; it's the first holiday Elouise will be experiencing! Halloween was one thing, but now we're getting into family holidays. My family will be coming down to Idabel this year to celebrate. We normally would be going to see them, but we are figuring out how much harder it is to travel with a newborn. Maybe it's just me and my excessive packing, but we LOADED my Commander with stuff the last trip we made. Between suitcases and strollers and all kinds of fun things, I'm thinking I should be driving a bus instead of a Commander. There would be more trunk space for sure! I like to pack "in case of emergency". You never know when you'll need something. Plus, when traveling, you ALWAYS have to leave room for incidental purchases such as: shoes, clothes, home decor, you name it!
A boastful intermission - I'm almost done with my Christmas shopping! I prefer to have all of my Christmas shopping done before Thanksgiving. This drives my husband NUTS! He will wait until December 23rd to start shopping for Christmas. AH! This year, I have "wised" up. I have been keeping a running gift list on my cell phone for each recipient. That way I won't forget something someone mentioned they'd like - back in April! I live for gift giving. I don't care if I get anything. I just live to give presents!!!!!! I get more excited watching people open gifts I'm giving them then opening my own. However, as I'm sitting here typing, I overheard Natalie Morales discussing Black Friday deals. She asked the guest on the show if cut out coupons were "in style" anymore. Hello?!? Who cares if coupons are "in-style"! If they save me a few bucks that I could use elsewhere, I'm using them! That has got to be one of the most ridiculous things I've heard in a while. Just sayin.......
Oh! Another thing that I have to get done early (like my Christmas shopping) is my Thanksgiving grocery list. I can't stand going to Wal-Mart, but it's even worse a few days or day before Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving groceries purchased?? CHECK! I have an excessive amount of canned pumpkin puree, cream cheese, butter, name it!
IN my head at the moment, I'm preparing myself for the next thing after blogging that I need to do today (including a feeding and diaper change). Working out. I have always enjoyed working out. I love the rush, the terrible feeling during the workout where you're just trying to BREATHE, and then the prideful feeling after the workout. However, as much as I enjoy working out, I LOATHE AND HATE LOSING WEIGHT. I've never been good at a "diet". I like working out for the maintenance idea, but NOT having to lose weight. BUT - while I have lost all but 3 lbs of Elouise baby weight, NOT ONE PERSON told me what having a baby does to your body!! OH MY GOODNESS GRACIOUS! I now understand the mommy "pooch" below the belly button! GOOOOOOOOOOOODNESS! I have some SERIOUS sit ups to be doing!
Anyway - ONE MORE THING TO REPORT! ELOUISE HAS SLEPT THROUGH THE NIGHT 5 NIGHTS IN A ROW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We have always swaddled her at night, but to no avail, she would wake up at 330 and then 530. Now, we put her to bed at 1030 and she wakes up just before 7! THANKS TO THE SWADDLEME invention. Click on the SWADDLEME to see what this FABULOUS invention is! My Aunt Betty bought us these and we hadn't used them because we thought she had to be bigger. I had a fellow "new mommy friend" that told me it didn't matter the baby's size and to try it out. AS SOON AS WE DID - TADA! She slept through the night. So for those of you that struggle with gift giving - give these (for a baby of course). They are the greatest thing ever! The baby can't get out of them and they keep them nice and cozy. FABULOSO! I feel like a new woman with all this sleep! I actually organized many parts of my house yesterday with all my new found energy!
That's all for now! Got to get to working out! Enjoy the pics!
Monday, November 1, 2010
A few firsts this week that I get to tell about!
1st - First smile on camera! She is starting to smile in response to people talking!! It's soooo much fun! After we got home from church and lunch, she was allllll smiles!! After about 5 minutes of pictures, she got tired of it though.

2nd - First time to church! Elouise went to Bypass Church of Christ in Idabel. She almost lasted the whole service! We are both very happy that we both were able to take her. Josh leaves on Tuesday for the first time since she was born! Yikes! Here is a picture of her getting ready for church.

3rd - First Halloween! I have never been a huge Halloween person (I don't like the dressing up as dead people scary kinda stuff...) However, you can't beat a baby dressed up!! We had tons of trick-or-treaters at our house, and Elouise was ready! She went as Snow White. I will post a picture later today!
4th - This is the first time Josh is going to back to work since she was born!! He and I are dreading it. We are so thankful that we are blessed with a wonderful job, but it is sad that he will be leaving for 2 weeks. It will be an eye opening experience to say the least! Life a single mom...yikes!!!! (for 2 weeks anyway!) Please keep us in your prayers!
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Elouise Kathryn Love

Elouise Kathryn Love has arrived. She was born on September 26th at 2:44 am. She was 6lbs. 12 oz. and was 19 1/2" long. Her delivery was great, and she is even better!
Josh and I never imagined that it would be this great. Everyone tells you and you tell yourself how amazing it is going to be to have a child, but no one can or could ever tell you or put into words really the emotion of welcoming your child into the world. We are beyond blessed with our little girl. She is "perfectly perfect" (even though she resembles her dad more than her mom!). I never thought I'd feel love like this until now. Elouise consumes everything we do, and we couldn't be happier to take on the task.
One of the most wonderful and heart warming experiences through this all has been to see Josh with her. I knew that he was going to be an amazing dad, but I never knew it'd be like this. He will just stare at her. He will tell her how beautiful she is. He is mesmerized. Goodness, I'm pretty sure he has changed more diapers than I have at this point. He calls her his sweetheart and his princess, and it melts my heart. I am so blessed to have such a wonderful husband and father for our sweet precious Angel.
As many of you know, Elouise Kathryn is named after two of the most influential and inspiring women in my grandmother Ghee (Elouise) and my mom Kathryn. Ghee was such a special grandmother to me (and all of her children, grandchildren, great grandchildren, friends, acquaintances, and anyone else that she encountered). Ghee had this ability to make everyone feel so loved. She gave wonderful hugs, told unforgettable stories, and blessed everyone with her presence and ability to make you feel loved. Growing up Ghee and I would read the "Eloise" series of books. They are stories about a spunky little girl who lives at the Plaza Hotel with her nanny, puppy (Weenie) and turtle (Skipperdee). When Ghee passed away, I got her Eloise books. I have been reading them to my Elouise. Currently, we are reading Elouise in Paris. I miss Ghee so much and can't get through the story of how great she was without crying when I try to tell Elouise about her. The doctor told us that Elouise has an"angel kiss" on her eye. (It'll go away, but it's cute to say angel kiss). I couldn't say it then, but I know which angel kissed her on the was Ghee! I just know it!
Ah!! Crying precious baby....I will write about my mom hopefully in my next post, but here are a few pics for now!
Thursday, September 23, 2010
The Date is Set!
Went to the doctor today! I am 39 weeks and 3 days pregnant. I am 2.5 cm dilated and almost 100% effaced. The doctor says she'd be surprised if I didn't have her by my due date (September 28th), but in case I don't, they will induce Thursday, September 30th!
Sorry so short, but wanted to keep everyone posted!
Love -
Friday, September 17, 2010
Always Trust in God

First off, I've been having a rough week, and the one thing that really cheers me up is this picture....
I can't wait to kiss those kissable lips!!
I went to the doctor yesterday for my 38 1/2 week appointment. Everything is still on track for September 28th, but as many of you know, that doesn't mean squat! It could happen any day! The doctor is fairly certain that she is going to wait at least until Tuesday - the day Josh comes home. I've been praying she'd wait, because I'd be a WRECK waiting on him to fly home! I've already started dilating and effacing so we shall see....Only God and Elouise know when her "real" birthday is going to be!
As many of you know, we have been asking for prayers so that we will sell our house. We have had a couple that had a house in our price range for sale in Louisiana. They were going to make an offer on our house as soon as theirs sold. They had been to our house six times and even brought over a baby gift! Well, once they sold their house and made an offer on ours, it wasn't even close to what we could accept. Heartbroken, Josh and I started preparing to tell the people in Edmond that are doing our custom build that we would have to forfeit our earnest money and not proceed with our house. Josh talked to the finance guy here and while we could make it work with two mortgages, we both didn't feel as if it were the Christian thing to do. We both know that God wants our full faith and trust in him, no matter the sacrifices that we have to make. (So now we're praying that once our house sells...our custom will still be for sale!) It has been an emotional decision to make, but we both feel like it was the right one to make. We know that once our house sells (Josh is going to Idabel Wednesday morning to meet with our realtor), God will have something great for us here in Edmond. We just have to continue to prove our obedience and faith in Him. Such an easy thing to say, but a hard thing to put into action sometimes! We do ask for continued prayers in this situation though. With Josh potentially being gone for four weeks at a time and me with a newborn, I WANT MY MOMMY! This has been a long time coming, but we know that it will be much easier on our family to be in Edmond. I'll actually be able to drop Josh off at the airport! (Driving to Dallas 2.5 hours one way to drop him off at DFW with a newborn is just too much...).
Sorry that was long and winded, but it has been a HUGE struggle and part of our life the past few weeks. We are so sad about the house here, but we are so sure that God has something greater in mind for us ... when HIS time comes.
OH YEAH! DRUMROLL mom decided on a "grandma" name for herself. For those of you that know my mom, she is NOT the "grandma" type. She just celebrated her 50th birthday yesterday in which she happily called herself "VINTAGE". Oh I love my mom. We knew she didn't look like a "grandma or nana or granny"....she uses Arbonne for goodness sake! But she came up with the name ........ KAKI! (Sounds like Kathy only different :) )
Have a blessed day, and I'm sure the next time I post (since I'm not too great at keeping up) I will have pictures of ELOUISE KATHRYN!
Love -
Friday, August 27, 2010
Elouise's Bedding!!!!!
Josh and I finally brought Elouise's bed back to our house! Josh set the bed up, and I got to put the BEAUTIFUL bedding I had made for her on it. I absolutely love it! I can't wait to set her in there!
We are going to Edmond to pick up the rest of her furniture next week! She still has a dresser and my glider to add to her room! I can't wait!

Prayers needed! We are still trying to sell our house in Idabel. We recently had a couple tell us they're going to make an offer on our house after the closing on their house now. We are praying that they are able to make an offer that we can work with so we can move!! Tons of prayers are needed right now!!!!!
Love - HL
We are going to Edmond to pick up the rest of her furniture next week! She still has a dresser and my glider to add to her room! I can't wait!

Prayers needed! We are still trying to sell our house in Idabel. We recently had a couple tell us they're going to make an offer on our house after the closing on their house now. We are praying that they are able to make an offer that we can work with so we can move!! Tons of prayers are needed right now!!!!!
Love - HL
Saturday, August 14, 2010
4D !

We haven't even set up her room yet. All of her furniture are still in the boxes they came in. Guess we need to be getting on that soon! (We are hoping we'll be closing or moving from our house at that time, and trying to make moving easier, I guess!) Nesting has been a nightmare to say the least! I have no baby room to "nest".
Pray that our house sells! We have a very very interested couple that are waiting on theirs to close. They haven't made an offer yet, because they want to see how much equity they end with at the end of their deal. They have wanted the house since we put it on the market in April. We have been praying long and hard for this deal - now it just needs to happen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Love -
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Catch up!
I'm playing catch up now! I didn't realize that it had been two months since I last posted!! I would love to say that a lot has happened, but it's summer..........I've taken it easy!
First, as many of you already know, Josh and I decided I would be a stay at home mom. Eek! I'm very excited about this but very nervous as well. I have a hard time NOT having a job. I know that come September I will have a full time Mommy job, but it's this summer break that is driving me nuts! All in all, I know that this is what I'm supposed to do, and it is something that I have prayed about. I would rather go back to a job later than regret that I can't go back to raising our daughter. Some moments you just can't replace!
Second, I am about to enter my third trimester! Where did the time go? It seems like it should still be January - telling everyone I'm pregnant!! However, if you have seen me lately, it is BLATANTLY obvious. HELLO BABY BELLY! All doctor's appointments have been great up until now. Everything is "normal" and this unsightly weight that appears on my body is "textbook". If only all weight gain was textbook.
Third, we are still trying to sell our house. This has truly been a test in faith. Pray pray pray!! We have a BEAUTIFUL house, and it is completely updated (it was built in 2008). However, it is finding that ONE family that fits the house and loves it. All the prayers possible will be greatly appreciated! We hope to be able to move BEFORE Elouise is born.
Finally, one of my best friends, Morgan Menefee and her mom, are throwing Elouise a baby shower!!!! I'm so excited! Invitations should go out soon. Keep July 24th marked on your calendar.
That's all I've got for now, but let's keep our fingers crossed that I updated before two months pass again!!
Love -
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Elouise Kathryn Love
It's a GIRL!! We are very excited for Elouise Kathryn to be here!! The name came from two very important people in our lives. The first name, Elouise, is for my grandmother Elouise (we called her Ghee). She went to be with the Lord in September, and she is missed beyond belief. However, in her time here on Earth, she portrayed all the qualities of a Proverbs 31 woman. We are more than happy to name our sweet baby girl after her. The middle name is my mom's name. My mom is my best friend, and she has been there for me through everything in my life. She has never once given up or lost sight of the plans the Lord has for each one of her children.
We are very excited to welcome our sweet daughter in September! Now it's off to shop for some PINK!!
Monday, March 29, 2010
13w6d - Bye bye 1st Trimester!
It's a ............! Just kidding, we don't know what "the baby" is yet. We will know on April 23rd!! We are anticipating this date so much. However, we're nervous as well. Josh is nervous for a girl and I'm just nervous in general! Thinking of names has been so much fun. The best thing to do is to look at GPS while you're driving...that has the best names. Okay so maybe not the BEST names but funny ones for sure!
Doctors appointments went great! We had a visit with our OB first thing in the morning. This was to hear the heartbeat. If you know me, you KNOW I had been soo nervous about hearing the heartbeat. I just HAD to hear it to feel okay! First things first, the Dr. Bishop tells us that sometimes if the baby is moving too much, you won't hear the heartbeat. So in my head I'm thinking "Oh baby you better sit your rear end still so I can hear your heart beat!". Well she puts the doppler sonogram stick thing on me and all we hear is MY heartbeat...that's it. About 10 minutes go by (Josh says it was only about 2 or 3, but for drama's sake...let's pretend it was 10!) and the doctor is about to pack up the sonogram machine. Josh is next to me praying, and I'm having to tell myself NOT to cry in the doctors office. She reassures me that I have an appointment with the perinatal specialist next and we'll see it moving alive and well there . (She could have told me I was having septuplets and I wouldn't have heard her...I was freaked). She puts the sonogram thing on me one more time...and bum bum bum bum...the heartbeat! Thank goodness.......156 beats per minute!
On to the perinatal far the COOLEST appointment. It was a sonogram that they would show you 4d pictures! Kinda freaky, but definitely cool!! Baby Love was definitely dancing in there, too. The baby was moving around like CRAZY! The best part was the DVD. We got a DVD that we could take home. It recorded the whole ultrasound. We were able to let everyone see the baby and how much "it" moved around.
Saturday night was my 25th birthday party with the family. We had A BLAST! Both of my brothers came with their girlfriends and my sister-in-law! I absolutely LOVE my family and it is sooo much fun when we're all together. Definitely had our share of laughs!!
Monday, March 22, 2010
Busy and Exciting Week!
This is going to be a very very busy week! My Spring Break starts today!! Yippee! Started the week off right with my housecleaners coming first thing this morning....HALLELUJAH for leaving $$ in the budget for housecleaners. They're lifesavers!!!
Josh comes home tomorrow! MY BIRTHDAY!! Tomorrow I'll be the ripe old age of 25!! Yippee!! I'm actually excited about this birthday for some reason. Josh is going to bring me Dan Dan noodles from Pei Wei for dinner, too! He's wonderful!
We are leaving for Edmond/Oklahoma City on Thursday morning! YAYYYYYYYYYYYY!!! I've been looking forward to this. Dropping my car off to get a new dashboard (Infiniti finally came to their senses, and they're going to fix my bubbling dash...under warranty!!) and then do a little shopping.
Friday is our next baby appointment! We go to our monthly OB appointment to hear the heartbeat (I CAN NOT WAIT!!). Then after that, we go directly to the Perinatal Center to do the sequential screening. This is another ultrasound (with DVD) that they screen for various birth defects. I AM 13 WEEKS!!!! FINALLY! After this we will be going to find out the sex 4 weeks later.
My parents are going to cook fajitas and ice cream cake for my birthday on Friday! I LOVE FAJITAS and I'v been craaaaving ice cream cake! (any cake for that matter!)
I will keep eveyone posted on what the doctor says and how everything goes! Maybe I'll even figure out how to post pictures! Wish me luck!
Love all - H
Josh comes home tomorrow! MY BIRTHDAY!! Tomorrow I'll be the ripe old age of 25!! Yippee!! I'm actually excited about this birthday for some reason. Josh is going to bring me Dan Dan noodles from Pei Wei for dinner, too! He's wonderful!
We are leaving for Edmond/Oklahoma City on Thursday morning! YAYYYYYYYYYYYY!!! I've been looking forward to this. Dropping my car off to get a new dashboard (Infiniti finally came to their senses, and they're going to fix my bubbling dash...under warranty!!) and then do a little shopping.
Friday is our next baby appointment! We go to our monthly OB appointment to hear the heartbeat (I CAN NOT WAIT!!). Then after that, we go directly to the Perinatal Center to do the sequential screening. This is another ultrasound (with DVD) that they screen for various birth defects. I AM 13 WEEKS!!!! FINALLY! After this we will be going to find out the sex 4 weeks later.
My parents are going to cook fajitas and ice cream cake for my birthday on Friday! I LOVE FAJITAS and I'v been craaaaving ice cream cake! (any cake for that matter!)
I will keep eveyone posted on what the doctor says and how everything goes! Maybe I'll even figure out how to post pictures! Wish me luck!
Love all - H
Saturday, March 6, 2010
My Sweet Mom and Husband
My sweet mom came in town this weekend! She's here helping me clean out my closet, organize my pantry, do laundry, clean hall closets, you name it.........she's helping me! It has been a tremendous help! If she wouldn't have come and done it, I can't tell you when it would have happened!!!! I love having my mom around (and no, not just because she cleans!)
Josh is working very hard on the house today, as well!! When we moved in, we were in a hurry. And with every self-build, there are some things you "overlook" and vow to tend to later. So 2 years later, we are finally getting around to painting all of the shelves in the pantry and closets. Sounds like a small task.....till you have to clean them out. (Luckily, my mom has done it!)
Our next baby appointment is on March 24 and 26! The 24th is for the screenings for birth defects and the 26th is the hear the heartbeat! We're very excited! Almost 11 weeks! Almost the end of the first trimester!... Whoo........ (Does that mean almost the end of morning sickness?!? ... One can hope!)
Josh is working very hard on the house today, as well!! When we moved in, we were in a hurry. And with every self-build, there are some things you "overlook" and vow to tend to later. So 2 years later, we are finally getting around to painting all of the shelves in the pantry and closets. Sounds like a small task.....till you have to clean them out. (Luckily, my mom has done it!)
Our next baby appointment is on March 24 and 26! The 24th is for the screenings for birth defects and the 26th is the hear the heartbeat! We're very excited! Almost 11 weeks! Almost the end of the first trimester!... Whoo........ (Does that mean almost the end of morning sickness?!? ... One can hope!)
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
10 weeks
Holy moly!! Pregnancy is kicking my rear right now! For everyone that says they didn't have morning sickness...please keep your thoughts to yourself!! Just kidding...but really?! I am in my 10th week of pregnancy right now. I have had morning sickness since around week 5. Actually I take that back, not "morning" sickness...more like ALL DAY sickness. Luckily my wonderful doctor prescribed me medicine that has me back on my feet. Other than that, I've been okay. Tired, but that's normal for every pregnant woman.
Poor Josh! The pregnancy hormones are in full swing! Whoo hoo...I've never been known for holding back tears. But goodness gracious! He does not know what to do with me! I'll cry over nothing!!
Our next appointment is March 26th to hear the heartbeat! Keep your posted!
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Welcome to the Love Life!
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