It's a ............! Just kidding, we don't know what "the baby" is yet. We will know on April 23rd!! We are anticipating this date so much. However, we're nervous as well. Josh is nervous for a girl and I'm just nervous in general! Thinking of names has been so much fun. The best thing to do is to look at GPS while you're driving...that has the best names. Okay so maybe not the BEST names but funny ones for sure!
Doctors appointments went great! We had a visit with our OB first thing in the morning. This was to hear the heartbeat. If you know me, you KNOW I had been soo nervous about hearing the heartbeat. I just HAD to hear it to feel okay! First things first, the Dr. Bishop tells us that sometimes if the baby is moving too much, you won't hear the heartbeat. So in my head I'm thinking "Oh baby you better sit your rear end still so I can hear your heart beat!". Well she puts the doppler sonogram stick thing on me and all we hear is MY heartbeat...that's it. About 10 minutes go by (Josh says it was only about 2 or 3, but for drama's sake...let's pretend it was 10!) and the doctor is about to pack up the sonogram machine. Josh is next to me praying, and I'm having to tell myself NOT to cry in the doctors office. She reassures me that I have an appointment with the perinatal specialist next and we'll see it moving alive and well there . (She could have told me I was having septuplets and I wouldn't have heard her...I was freaked). She puts the sonogram thing on me one more time...and bum bum bum bum...the heartbeat! Thank goodness.......156 beats per minute!
On to the perinatal far the COOLEST appointment. It was a sonogram that they would show you 4d pictures! Kinda freaky, but definitely cool!! Baby Love was definitely dancing in there, too. The baby was moving around like CRAZY! The best part was the DVD. We got a DVD that we could take home. It recorded the whole ultrasound. We were able to let everyone see the baby and how much "it" moved around.
Saturday night was my 25th birthday party with the family. We had A BLAST! Both of my brothers came with their girlfriends and my sister-in-law! I absolutely LOVE my family and it is sooo much fun when we're all together. Definitely had our share of laughs!!
Yay, fun! We just found out we are having another girl and Rob is scared out of his mind! Big bro has A LOT of protecting to do! Congrats on getting out of the worst part of pregnancy!